5 Truths About Your Brand

Effective marketing campaigns are more closely tied to your brand culture than you’d like to admit. As a Branding Agency in Huntsville, Alabama, we help businesses build a bridge of understanding between the two.

I know, this isn’t what you wanted to hear. But, the fact is that customers and markets are fickle and your brand culture is mostly to blame. We can help explain this link between your customers and the strength of your brand.

Let’s look at 5 Truths About Your Brand for some answers.

1)  Your product is not perfect.

Remember that product that the raving fans camped out in tents for weeks to be first in line? That awesome phone product that in the end didn’t work exactly as planned. Yeah, me too!

The lesson to learn is that your products are not perfect. When things go wrong, admit that things went wrong. Tell your customers the truth and how you’re going to fix it. America is the land of second chances. IF, and that’s a big IF, you’re honest, contrite, and are committed to fixing the problem.

Pretending there’s nothing to see here and hiding from the problem is a sure fire way to make it worse and hurt your brand.


2)  Your customers are not loyal.

Generally speaking, Apple’s customers are loyal. Your customers, not so much.

It’s difficult to keep customers coming back for more. You sell them one product and they want to try another one next time. It’s human nature. We’re fickle.

Assume you’re going to work very hard to keep your customers your customers.

3)  Your markets are not without competition

It’s 2020. Why do some business owners still think they have no competition? Come on people, grow up!

4)  Your employees do not understand your brand


It’s really hard to get your employees to understand what your business is all about. In my experience, the main reason employees struggle is because the boss acts like a goober. You have to have consistent leadership, clear communication, and a lot more clear communication. Just one slip in the leading and communication will lead to confused employees…and it will be your fault. Worse yet, pretending that you can do whatever you want, but your employees should do it a different way. Yeah, that’s going to work.

5)  Your budgets are not infinite.

Unless you work for Apple, Google, or Wal-Mart, you’re going to be constrained by money. You do not have an infinite supply for communicating your message with employees and target markets. You can’t buy Super Bowl half-time commercials to show off your cool products. You have no money for even a full local assault on the eyes, ears, and brains of the local market.

So you’d better get your message right and your target audience identified. We’re talking about a .22 rifle shot. No shotguns allowed here.

And while that seems like the wrong approach to many, you really have to narrow your focus. You don’t even remotely have enough budget for a shotgun.

At Ad4! Group, we’re one of the top advertising agencies in the Huntsville, Alabama area. Put our team of marketing experts to work for you.

Contact us today to see how our branding experts can help you better communicate your business brand message today!

Image Credits:

Norman Rockwell boy scout painting from the Collection of the United States Postal Service.

The Dymaxion Car, Inventions of Buckminster Fuller

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