Chris Gattis

As an entrepreneur and coach, I have helped hundreds of others become successful entrepreneurs themselves. I understand how to hone a business model, launch a business and keep it growing, by applying real world knowledge with the skill that only comes from years of experience.

I’ve been fortunate to have lived in different parts of the country and had many different work experiences. I’m a Huntsville, Alabama native and attended Auburn University. I started my work career in 1983 at a small mutual savings & loan association in West Point, Georgia. In 1988 got my first manufacturing experience as the controller at Knauf Insulation, a fiber glass manufacturing plant in Lanett, Alabama. Three years later, I was transferred to the Indianapolis, Indiana area as credit manager at the corporate office. In 1999, they gave me an opportunity to run a manufacturing facility that produced expanded polystyrene insulation located in Lebanon, Ohio, just north of Cincinnati. In 2002, I moved further north to the Boston area as CFO of an industrial insulation products distributor.

In late 2008, this Alabama boy had to get back home! My wife and I relocated to Huntsville and I joined Ad4! shortly thereafter.

I’ve been a corporate CFO, a general manager, a site selection consultant, and crisis management/turnaround consultant, among others. I’ve served on planning commissions and zoning boards, I’ve run for political office, and promoted politicians. I use all these real-world experiences to help businesses build their own lemonade stand empires.

My biggest passions are my faith, my music, the Auburn Tigers, and the American Cancer Society. I volunteer for and serve on the leadership board for the American Cancer Society. I am surviving prostate cancer and try to use that platform to spread the Good News about the God that saved me and the early detection strategies that may save you. I play tenor sax in First Baptist Church orchestra. We have a big band and a sax ensemble we call The Thundering Herd! I’m a graduate of and ridiculously passionate fan of the Auburn Tigers.