
Is There Still Value in a Humanized Approach to Public Relations?

Authenticity. Transparency. Integrity. These terms are tossed around a lot lately, especially in the world of public relations and marketing. At the same time, photos are being edited to ridiculous lengths and blogs and posts are being churned out in mere seconds with just a few commands. Digital tools are making it almost impossible to

Is There Still Value in a Humanized Approach to Public Relations? Read More »

Old School Still Rules: Why Some Marketing and PR Tactics Will Never Change

Recently, Ad4! Group has been reflecting on our 20 first years managing all things marketing, public relations, and web development for hundreds of clients. One thing we’ve realized is that although every year has brought advances in tools, technology, trends, and tastes, there are some aspects and approaches in our field that haven’t really changed

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Three Things We Learned from 2023’s PR and Marketing Hits and Misses

From February’s Breaking Bad/PopCorners Super Bowl ad to the ongoing TayVis phenomenon, 2023 was an interesting year in marketing and public relations. Together, we witnessed brand meltdowns, halftime show pregnancy announcements, and loads of pop culture nostalgia showing up in everything from fast food to movie theaters. So how can your business or brand benefit

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What is Your Website Trying to Tell You? And Are You Listening?

Today, most business owners understand that having a website is vital to their survival and growth. Your website is your company’s virtual storefront, inviting current and potential customers to learn more about you and your products or services, place orders, schedule appointments, get directions, or even leave a review. It’s a multipurpose, multitasking, multifaceted marketing

What is Your Website Trying to Tell You? And Are You Listening? Read More »

Are Brochures, Flyers, and Handouts Still Relevant in the Digital Age?

When was the last time you wrote a letter, stuffed it in an envelope, and stuck it in your mailbox? That tedious task is virtually extinct thanks to texts, emails, and instant messaging. Do you still get a paper bill for your utilities and credit cards, and write a check for payment? Probably not since

Are Brochures, Flyers, and Handouts Still Relevant in the Digital Age? Read More »

Websites 101: A Pro’s Best Practices to Make a Powerful Impression

Business owners wear a lot of hats, but unless you’re in the marketing or IT fields, “website designer” isn’t inscribed on one of your many caps. That’s probably why so many business websites become outdated, contain errors … or never come to fruition at all. These days, however, an out-of-date, issue-ridden, or nonexistent website just

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Inbound Marketing vs. Account-Based Marketing: Should You Choose Just One?

Once upon a time the land was filled with only one method of marketing. At first, it was good, and people were happy. Posters on lampposts informed them of exciting events about which they otherwise might not have learned. Newspaper ads announced must-have products and life-changing services. The postal service delivered catalogs full of every

Inbound Marketing vs. Account-Based Marketing: Should You Choose Just One? Read More »