Marketing Strategy

Strategy or Plan: Know the Difference in Four Minutes!

There is a massive difference between having a “plan” and having a “strategy.” Do you know the difference? Here’s an illustration: You’re asked to host a last-minute dinner meeting tonight for a prospective client you have been courting for months. You’ve been waiting on this big break for months, and you’re sure that a successful evening will

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Make Your Business More Competitive with Convenience

If you are looking to give your company an edge over your competition, the first thing you should do is find out how you can make your service more convenient. Large companies like Amazon, Redbox or even Publix have gotten extremely creative in making the purchasing process easier for the customers. And based on the

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Building a Website with Your Customer In Mind

There’s an old saying: “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” In today’s marketplace and society, we can modify that to “You can’t judge a business by its website.” While that may be the case in some instances, people do judge businesses by their websites. And, unfortunately, to a lot of business owners, web

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